Saturday, September 10, 2011

9-11 Ten years ago.

Its hard to believe ten years ago I was teaching Photography. I remember that day so well. As I was getting ready for school I was told the World Trade Center had been hit. I just couldn't believe it. I had to be at school at 6.30 am. When I got to school it was so quiet. We were told let the kids see TV and keep them as calm as you can. My classes were Seniors and Juniors. Most of the kids came to school. I told each of my classes how proud I was of them. They were never to let someone or some group keep them from their goals and dreams.
I miss the classroom and going to school each day. Due to a condition I can't work full time, sadly can't teach anymore. That was my final year teaching. I am glad all my students came to school and have lived each day as hard working people. I am sorry that a few of my students died in the wars that followed. These kids had so much to give.
Well, I hope we can learn from the past to never repeat it but sadly I fear that wont happen.
May you have a peaceful day and remember your loved ones and friends. Princess and I wish well and thank you.

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